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CoCo Mindful

A Party Without Cake Is Just A Meeting

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

The phrase "Am I extra or are you basic" got me thinking...

I can't help but notice the stark difference between a party and a meeting. One is full of excitement, celebration, and of course, cake. The other, well, let's just say it's not exactly the highlight of anyone's week. As the famous quote goes, "A party without cake is just a meeting." And isn't that the truth?

You see, a party is not just a gathering of people. It's an opportunity to celebrate, to indulge, and to enjoy the finer things in life. And what could be finer than a slice of cake? As someone who appreciates the art of living, I believe that every occasion, no matter how small, should be marked with a bit of sweetness. But it's not just about the cake...

Are we really living if we're not indulging in the things that make us happy? Are we really celebrating if we're not taking risks and trying new things? Or are we just going through the motions, settling for a basic existence that leaves us feeling unfulfilled? It's about living life with a little extra flair...

Being extra is not just about being flashy or attention-seeking. It's about living life on your terms, embracing your uniqueness, and indulging in the things that bring you joy. Being extra may have a negative connotation to some. It means going above and beyond, not settling for the bare minimum, and always striving for excellence. And let's be real, some people just can't handle the extra. Maybe they are intimidated, maybe it is too much for them, maybe they don't care.

It is a playful way to contrast two different personality types or ways of living. The term "extra" is often used to describe someone who is over-the-top, flamboyant, or extravagant in their behaviour or style, while the term "basic" is used to describe someone who is plain, conventional, or lacking in originality.

Let's take that phrase as an invitation to compare and contrast different approaches to life. Let's highlights the fact that everyone has their unique personality traits and ways of expressing themselves, and there is no right or wrong way to be.

People who identify as "extra" tend to stand out in a crowd, they may be comfortable with taking risks, pushing boundaries, and expressing themselves in bold and creative ways. They may be drawn to bold fashion choices, unique hobbies, and different ways of thinking.

On the other hand, people who identify as "basic" tend to prefer the comfort of familiarity, enjoy routine and order, and may not feel as comfortable stepping outside of their comfort zone. They may be drawn to more conventional fashion choices, enjoy popular culture, and prefer to stick to tried-and-true methods of thinking and problem-solving.

It is important to note that neither approach is inherently better or worse than the other, and that each individual is unique in their own way. The phrase "am I extra or are you basic" is not meant to be taken too seriously, but rather to serve as a lighthearted way to appreciate and celebrate our differences and individuality, and why not share a nice piece of cake!

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