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CoCo Mindful

Am I In A Relationship Or A Situationship?

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

If it's not planted, it doesn't grow.

It got me thinking...

It's like, you start off seeing each other casually, with no strings attached. You're both on the same page - or so you think. But as time goes on, you start to wonder if this is something more. You're spending more and more time together, and your feelings are starting to develop. You start to wonder if you're in a relationship. But then, things start to get murky. You're not exclusive, but you're not seeing anyone else either. You're not sure where you stand, one moment you feel like you're on the same page, and the next, you're not sure if you're even in the same book. It's like, you're in a gray area - a situationship.

You're not quite in a relationship, but you're not just friends either. You're not sure what you are, or what you want to be. And let's face it, the world of dating and relationships can be confusing enough as it is. But when you throw a situationship into the mix, things can get even more complicated. It's a constant game of guessing, wondering, and hoping for clarity. But despite the uncertainty, there's still that glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, things will work out in the end.

So what do you do? Do you have the awkward conversation about defining the relationship? Or do you just go with the flow and see where things go?

It's like, there's no right or wrong answer. It all depends on what you want and what you're comfortable with. But one thing's for sure - it's important to communicate with your partner and be honest about your feelings.

But let's be real - this is not a new phenomenon. People have chained themselves together for ages, using vague language and noncommittal behaviour to keep things just ambiguous enough to avoid labeling them. The difference now is that there is a term for it, and it has become an accepted part of modern dating culture. But here's the thing - a situation will only grow if it's planted. If you're happy in a casual adventure and have no desire for anything more, that's fine. But if you hope to turn your situation into a real, honest relationship, you have to be willing to speak up and ask for what you want. An indefinite relationship is one that lacks clear boundaries, expectations, and commitments. It can be confusing, frustrating and even painful. Staying in an indefinite relationship can be even more difficult, as it can lead to pain and disappointment. When you stay in an indefinite relationship, you allow someone to enter into a relationship with you without getting what you need. This can lead to feelings of neglect, rejection, and loneliness. You may find yourself constantly trying to decipher the other person's intentions and feelings, leaving you in a state of confusion and uncertainty.

Also, staying in a relationship indefinitely can prevent you from moving on and finding the right person for you. You may hold out hope that the other person will eventually commit to you, but that may not happen. As a result, you're wasting your time and energy on someone who may not be worth it. An indefinite relationship can be emotionally draining. You may find yourself constantly on edge, wondering if the other person is going to call or show up. You may also struggle with feelings of insecurity, wondering if you're good enough or if the other person is interested in someone else. In some cases, an indefinite relationship can even be emotionally abusive. You may be a victim of emotional manipulation, gaslighting, or other toxic behaviors that can harm your mental health. It's important to remember that you deserve to be in a relationship where your needs are met and where you feel valued and respected. If you find yourself in an indefinite relationship, it's important to have a conversation with the other person and set clear boundaries and expectations. If the other person isn't willing to commit to a definite relationship, it might be time to move on and find someone who does.

At the end of the day, whether you're in a relationship or a situationship, the most important thing is that you're happy and fulfilled. So go ahead, take a deep breath, and trust your gut. Because when it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes you just have to take the leap and see where it takes you.

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