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CoCo Mindful

Are We The Imagination Of Ourselves?

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

What you believe you perceive.

It got me thinking...

I'm constantly reminded of the power of imagination. It's what drives us to create, to dream, to explore the boundaries of our own minds. But what if I told you that imagination isn't just a tool for creativity, but the very fabric of our reality? What if our perception of the world around us is shaped not by what's objectively there, but by what we believe to be there?

It's a heady idea, but one that's been explored by philosophers and scientists alike. From Descartes' famous declaration "I think, therefore I am" to the more recent musings of physicists like Max Tegmark, who argues that our universe is itself a mathematical construct of the human mind, the concept that we are the imagination of ourselves is both fascinating and a little bit trippy. But what does it mean for our everyday lives? Well, put simply, what you believe you perceive.

I believe our beliefs and assumptions about the world around us can affect how we interpret and understand our experiences. In other words, our perceptions are not objective, but rather are shaped by our own subjective filters. Our beliefs, values, and past experiences can all influence the way we interpret new information, as well as the way we perceive the world around us. For example, two people might witness the same event but have different interpretations of what happened based on their past experiences and beliefs.

Moreover, our perceptions can also be influenced by our emotions. When we are in a positive mood, we are more likely to notice positive things in our environment and interpret them in a positive way. Conversely, when we are in a negative mood, we are more likely to notice negative things and interpret them in a negative way.

The phrase "what you believe you perceive" is often used in the context of self-improvement or personal growth, as it encourages individuals to examine their own beliefs and assumptions in order to gain a clearer understanding of themselves and their experiences. By becoming more aware of our own biases and assumptions, we can begin to challenge them and expand our perceptions, which can lead to a greater sense of openness, empathy, and understanding.

Of course, this isn't to say that everything is subjective and there's no such thing as objective reality. After all, I don't think any of us would deny the existence of gravity or the fact that the earth orbits the sun. But what it does mean is that our experience of the world is deeply intertwined with our beliefs and expectations.

So the next time you find yourself feeling stuck or uninspired, try asking yourself: what am I imagining right now? What beliefs or assumptions am I holding onto that might be limiting my perception of what's possible? By becoming aware of the role your imagination plays in shaping your experience, you can start to expand your horizons and see the world in a whole new light.

Because at the end of the day, we may be the imagination of ourselves - but that just means we have the power to imagine ourselves into something greater than we ever thought possible.

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