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CoCo Mindful

Cut The Excuses, Get To The Real Thing And Shift

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

I can't help but wonder..

Are we living our life like a broken record?

Are we stuck in the same patterns and routines, day in and day out? And if so, is it time to cut the excuses and get to the real thing?

We all have our coping mechanisms - the things we do to get through the day. But sometimes those coping mechanisms become our prison, and we find ourselves going through the motions without really living. We get so caught up in the routine that we forget to stop and smell the roses.

Life can often feel like a never-ending cycle of the same old patterns, beliefs, and behaviours. We can find ourselves repeating the same mistakes over and over again, wondering why we can't seem to break free from the past. It's easy to get caught up in the drama and chaos of our lives and lose sight of what's really important. But what if we could cut through all the excuses and get to the real thing? What if we could shift our mindset and start living our lives in a more authentic, meaningful way?

Healing is a hot topic these days, with everyone from yoga instructors to self-help gurus touting the benefits of "healing" our emotional wounds. But is it really all it's cracked up to be? Is healing overrated? Or is it the real thing?

The truth is, healing is not overrated. In fact, it's one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. Healing means facing our pain, our fears, and our past traumas head-on. It means digging deep and uncovering the root causes of our emotional distress. It's not an easy process, but it's a necessary one if we want to move forward and live our lives to the fullest.

So why do so many of us resist healing? Why do we keep repeating the same old patterns and behaviours, even when we know they're not serving us? The answer is simple: FEAR. We're afraid of what we might find if we dig too deep. We're afraid of confronting our darkest fears and emotions. But the truth is, the only way to truly heal is to face our fears head-on. We have to be willing to get uncomfortable, to feel the pain and the discomfort, in order to move past it.

So how do we start the healing process? It begins with a shift in mindset. We have to be willing to let go of the old patterns and beliefs that are holding us back. We have to be willing to embrace a new way of thinking and living. We have to start doing the work. This means taking responsibility for our lives and our choices. It means letting go of blame and victimhood and stepping into our power as creators of our own destiny.

Cutting through the excuses and getting to the real thing means being honest with ourselves. It means acknowledging our faults and our weaknesses, but also our strengths and our potential. It means being willing to ask for help when we need it, and to offer help to others when we can. It means being open to new experiences and new ways of thinking, and being willing to learn from our mistakes.

It's not an easy process, but it's a necessary one if we want to break free from the cycle of the past and start living our lives in a more authentic, meaningful way.

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