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CoCo Mindful

Don't Let Anyone Walk Through Your Mind With Their Dirty Feet

Toxic people make you think you are holding a gruge when you are really holding a boundary.

Let's give it a thought...

Toxic people think they have a free pass to walk all over our boundaries and then act like we're the ones holding a grudge. But in reality, we're just trying to protect ourselves and keep our minds clean of their negativity. Toxic people are trying to paint a mural on the walls of our minds without our permission, and it's up to us to grab the paintbrush and set some boundaries. When we let toxic people walk all over us, it's like letting them trample through our minds with their dirty feet. It leaves us feeling muddy and weighed down, like we're carrying around their baggage along with our own.

It can be hard to say goodbye to toxic people, especially if we've known them for a long time or have a history with them. But sometimes it's necessary for our own wellbeing.

Why do toxic people have such an attitude problem? Here are some attitude-related traits that toxic people often exhibit:

  1. Entitlement: Toxic people often have an entitled attitude, believing that they deserve special treatment and privileges that others don't.

  2. Manipulation: Toxic people may use manipulation tactics to get what they want, such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, or playing the victim.

  3. Arrogance: Toxic people often display arrogance and a sense of superiority, believing that they are always right and others are always wrong.

  4. Negativity: Toxic people tend to have a negative outlook on life, always focusing on the worst-case scenario and bringing others down with their pessimism.

  5. Jealousy: Toxic people may be jealous of others' success, possessions, or relationships, and may try to sabotage or undermine them.

  6. Lack of empathy: Toxic people often lack empathy and compassion for others, and may be insensitive to their feelings or needs.

  7. Control: Toxic people may have a need for control, and may try to micromanage or manipulate others to maintain their power and influence.

Remember, these attitudes are not exclusive to toxic people, and some people may exhibit them from time to time. However, toxic people tend to exhibit them more frequently and intensely, often causing harm to themselves and others. We need to protect our mental space, surround ourselves with positive energy, and let go of anyone who brings us down. How do we do that? Boundaries...

Setting boundaries is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves, both emotionally and mentally. It's like building a protective fence around our personal space, allowing us to feel safe and secure in our own skin. Let's dive a little deeper.

One of the key psychological cues at play here is the concept of self-care. When we set boundaries, we're essentially saying that our mental health and wellbeing are important, and that we're willing to take the necessary steps to protect ourselves. This is a crucial component of self-care, which is all about making sure we're prioritizing our own needs and taking care of ourselves on a deep level.

Another psychological cue that comes into play when dealing with toxic people is the idea of emotional intelligence. Being emotionally intelligent means having the ability to recognize and manage our own emotions, as well as understand and empathize with the emotions of others. When we set boundaries, we're demonstrating a high level of emotional intelligence by recognizing that certain people or behaviours are not healthy for us, and taking steps to protect ourselves.

Finally, the idea of boundaries is closely tied to the concept of self-respect. When we let toxic people walk all over us, we're essentially telling ourselves that we don't deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. But when we set boundaries and refuse to let others cross them, we're showing ourselves that we value ourselves enough to demand respect from others.

In the end, boundaries are all about taking care of ourselves and ensuring that we're treated with the love and respect we deserve. So let's keep building those fences and protecting our personal space, one boundary at a time.

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Jun 15, 2023

Never forget that these toxic people unfortunately have a story behind them that explains their behavior. I lived it and understood it. A certain understanding of these actions allows us to better fight against them.

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