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CoCo Mindful

I Am Not An Early Bird Or A Night Owl

I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon.

It got me thinking...

Let's dive into the puzzling world of the perpetually tired individuals and try to make sense of their constant craving for a bed, a nap, or a gallon of coffee.

As I strolled through the streets, I couldn't help but notice the tired souls shuffling along. It was as if they were dancing to an unending, sleep-deprived tango. The early birds were chirping away, their melodies a cheerful symphony welcoming the dawn. Meanwhile, the night owls were just getting home, having painted the town in moonlight hues.

And then there were the permanently exhausted pigeons. They're neither early birds nor night owls. They're the ones who hit snooze five times before finally dragging themselves out of bed, only to stumble around like zombies until they've had their first cup of coffee. A delicate balancing act between two worlds, with one foot in dreams and the other in reality.

The thing is, being a permanently exhausted pigeon is a real struggle. It's like being stuck in this perpetual state of exhaustion, never quite fitting in with either the early birds or the night owls. They're like the middle child of the sleep world - always overlooked and never quite understood. But here's the twist: are they perpetually tired, or are they simply victims of their own making? Are they willingly embracing this exhaustion as a badge of honour, flaunting it at brunch like a prized possession? Is being tired the new trend, the new black, the new status symbol? Could it be that the truly enlightened ones are the ones who've mastered the art of embracing a good old-fashioned nap?

In a world that thrives on productivity, perhaps it's time to reclaim the lost art of rest. To unapologetically schedule a lazy day, to binge-watch a guilty pleasure without guilt, and to curl up in bed with a book that has no intention of making us smarter. Maybe, just maybe, the secret to conquering perpetual tiredness lies in embracing it, turning it into a canvas for self-discovery and indulgence.

But let's not forget the science behind the sleep-deprived tango. Being a permanently exhausted pigeon is not just about having a different sleep pattern - it can also come with a whole host of other issues. From feeling constantly tired and struggling with bad habits to dealing with a negative mental state, it can be a real challenge to break out of that cycle.

Fear not, for there are ways to cope with these struggles and break out of that cycle of exhaustion. Consider this your survival guide in the concrete jungle:

1. Establish a Routine: Create your own rhythm in the chaos. Set specific times for waking up and going to bed, and try to stick to them. Regulate your internal clock for a smoother sleep-wake transition.

2. Prioritize Sleep Hygiene: Craft a sleep sanctuary. Dim the lights, banish caffeine and alcohol before bed, and bid adieu to screens at least an hour before snooze time.

3. Incorporate Exercise: Give your tired pigeon wings a workout. Embrace movement to enhance sleep quality and boost energy levels.

4. Practice Mindfulness: Let your mind be the canvas for serenity. Practice mindfulness through deep breaths, meditation, or simply finding pockets of peace amid the city's chaos.

5. Seek Support: Don't go it alone. Lean on friends, family, or professionals to untangle the threads of exhaustion.

So, let's raise our coffee cups high and toast to the perpetually tired souls who navigate life's labyrinthine streets in a state of constant exhaustion. May they find solace in their fatigue, wisdom in their rest, and a good dose of laughter in the absurdity of it all. After all, life is a marathon, and sometimes the best way to reach the finish line is by taking a leisurely stroll... or perhaps a well-deserved nap.

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