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CoCo Mindful

I Can Explain It To You But I Can't Understand It For You

Have you ever just looked at someone and knew the wheels were turning but the hamster was dead?

Yes and yes...

It's like trying to have a meaningful conversation with a brick wall - frustrating and ultimately futile. We all know someone like this - the person who seems to be in their own little world, completely oblivious to the conversation happening around them. They may nod and smile and even offer a response, but it's clear that they're not fully engaged.

Or trying to explain something to someone, and no matter how many times we say it, no matter how many different ways we phrase it, they just don't seem to get it? It's like we're speaking a different language or living in a different world. That's when we have to remember:

-It's not our job to make someone understand something. It's not our responsibility to force them to see things from our perspective. We can explain it to them as many times as we want, but if they don't want to understand, if they don't want to make the effort to see things from a different angle, then there's nothing we can do.

-It's not our job to try to jolt the hamster back to life either. Should you simply move on to someone who's more present and engaged? The answer depends on the situation and the person in question. If it's a casual conversation with someone you don't know well, it may be best to politely end the conversation and move on. After all, there's no point in wasting your time and energy on someone who's not willing or able to engage.

But if it's someone you care about or need to have a meaningful conversation with, it may be worth trying to engage them in a different way. Perhaps they're distracted by something else that's on their mind, or maybe they're struggling with their own issues that are making it difficult for them to focus.

By approaching them with empathy and compassion, you may be able to help them open up and engage in a more meaningful way.

At the end of the day, we can't control other people's engagement levels or their willingness to participate in a conversation. But we can control how we respond and how we approach the situation. And who knows - maybe with a little patience and understanding, we can even bring that hamster back to life...

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