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CoCo Mindful

I Have Lots Of Great Personality Traits But My Therapist Called Them Symptoms

Does our strengths and weaknesses often two sides of the same coin?

Are traits that make us strong and unique can also be the ones that hold us back or cause us to struggle at times?

It got me thinking...

There are certain aspects of our personalities that we might think of as positive traits - things like being outgoing, ambitious, or independent. And while these things can certainly be great assets in many situations, they can also be symptoms of deeper issues. For example, someone who's extremely outgoing might actually be struggling with social anxiety, using their extroverted behavior as a way to mask their discomfort in social situations. Someone who's overly ambitious might be dealing with feelings of inadequacy or a need for validation from others. And someone who's fiercely independent might be struggling with trust issues or a fear of vulnerability.

People pleasing, codependency, and a fear of rejection are another exemples...

But here's the thing - there's a difference between being a people-pleaser and being kind and empathetic. There's a difference between being supportive and being codependent. And there's a difference between seeking validation and living in fear of rejection.

The key is to find balance - to embrace your positive traits while also acknowledging and addressing the areas where you might need to grow and evolve. Now, I know that this might sound like a downer. After all, who wants to hear that their best personality traits might actually be symptoms of something deeper? But the truth is, acknowledging these underlying issues is actually a huge step towards healing and growth. When we're able to recognize the symptoms behind our personality traits, we can start to address the root causes of our behaviors. We can start to work through our issues in therapy, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and ultimately become more self-aware and emotionally intelligent individuals. So the next time you're feeling like your personality traits are being labeled as symptoms, take a step back and reflect on how they might be impacting your life and relationships. Are they serving you well, or are they causing you to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or unhappy?

And remember - therapy isn't about changing who you are or erasing your positive qualities. It's about understanding yourself more deeply and learning how to navigate life in a way that feels authentic, fulfilling, and joyful. The only way out is through. And sometimes, that means acknowledging the not-so-great parts of ourselves in order to truly grow and thrive.

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