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CoCo Mindful

I Spent A Lot Of Time Holding The Refrigerator Door Open Looking For Answers

Life seems to be a choice between two wrong answers.

It got me thinking...

As I stood in front of my refrigerator, holding the door open and staring at the contents inside, I couldn't help but wonder: how many of us spend our lives looking for answers in all the wrong places?

We've all been there. Feeling lost, confused, and unsure of where to turn next. So we search for answers in all the wrong places. We scroll through social media, binge-watch TV shows, or mindlessly eat our way through a pint of ice cream. And before we know it, we've spent hours holding the refrigerator door open, looking for answers that just aren't there. We may be facing a difficult decision, experiencing a significant life transition, or feeling disconnected from our true selves.

But what if the answers we're looking for are inside us all along? What if we took the time to listen to our inner voice, to trust our instincts, and to tap into our own intuition?

In therapy, we often work with clients who are struggling to find clarity and direction in their lives. We help them explore their thoughts and feelings, identify their values and goals, and develop strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving their desired outcomes.

One important aspect of this work is learning to listen to and trust our intuition. Our intuition is the voice of our inner wisdom, and it can guide us towards the answers we seek. However, many of us have learned to ignore or dismiss our intuition, often because we have been conditioned to prioritize external sources of authority or validation.

By learning to trust our intuition, we can begin to tap into our innate wisdom and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our lives. This can help us make more informed decisions, find greater meaning and purpose, and experience more fulfilling relationships.

What happened when we second-guess ourselves and spend a lot of time searching for answers outside of ourselves? When we constantly second-guess ourselves and look to others for answers, we risk losing touch with our own authenticity and uniqueness. We start to conform to the expectations of others, rather than embracing our individuality and staying true to ourselves. And let's not forget about the anxiety and stress that can come from constantly seeking external validation. It's like living in a perpetual state of uncertainty, never quite sure if we're making the right decisions or if we're living up to the expectations of others. So, what's the solution? How do we strike a balance between seeking information and trusting ourselves?

It all comes down to cultivating a sense of self-awareness and self-trust. We need to take the time to reflect on our own values, beliefs, and desires, and listen to our inner voice. It's not always easy, but it's essential if we want to live a life that is authentic and fulfilling.

And what happened when the answers seem to be defined by two bad options? It's a situation that we've all found ourselves in at some point in our lives. It's like trying to pick your poison - no matter which option you choose, you're left with a bitter taste in your mouth. Sometimes, life seems to be a choice between two wrong answers. We're forced to make tough decisions, with no clear or easy path forward. And it can be tempting to just throw up our hands and give up. But here's the thing - sometimes, the most difficult decisions can also be the most rewarding. When we're forced to make tough choices, it forces us to dig deep and find the courage and strength within ourselves to move forward.

We may not always make the right decision, but that's okay. Life is messy, and we're bound to make mistakes along the way. What's important is that we learn from those mistakes and keep moving forward.

In the end, life isn't about finding the right answers - it's about learning to navigate the twists and turns of the journey, even when it seems like there are no good options. So, go ahead and make your choice, even if it seems like a choice between two wrong answers - just remember to trust yourself and your own instincts along the way.

Next time you find yourself holding the refrigerator door open, remember that the answers you seek are not in the fridge - they're within you...

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