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CoCo Mindful

If You Won't Reveal Yourself To Others, You Cannot Reveal Yourself To Yourself.

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Not showing your talent to the world is a sin and a waste.

Don't be the best kept secret..

It got me thinking...

It's a thought-provoking statement that really got me thinking about the importance of showing our true selves to the world. Let's face it, we all have something special to offer the world. Whether it's a talent, a skill, or just a unique perspective, we all have something that makes us stand out from the crowd. But the thing is, if we don't share that special something with the world, we're really doing ourselves a disservice.

Think about it: what good is it to have a talent if no one knows about it? It's like having a diamond hidden away in a box where no one can see it. It may be beautiful and valuable, but it's not doing anyone any good if it's hidden away from the world. So, why do we hide our talents? Why do we keep our unique perspectives and skills to ourselves? I think the answer is FEAR. Fear of rejection, fear of criticism, fear of not being good enough. But the thing is, if we don't put ourselves out there and take that risk, we'll never know what we're capable of.

That fear can be paralyzing. We may hold back from revealing our true selves and showcasing our talents, by suppressing who we are, which can be a disservice not only to ourselves but to the world as well. In fact, not showing your talent to the world is a sin, as it deprives others of the beauty and inspiration that your unique gifts can offer.

In order to truly understand and appreciate our talents and abilities, we must be willing to share them with others. By doing so, we can receive feedback and validation, which can help us to grow and develop our skills even further.

Of course, the prospect of sharing our talents with the world can be daunting. It requires us to be vulnerable and open to criticism. We may fear that our work is not good enough or that we will be judged harshly by others. However, it is important to remember that everyone experiences these fears at some point in their lives. The key is to not let them hold us back from sharing our gifts with the world.

When we do share our talents with others, we have the potential to make a profound impact on the world. Our unique perspectives and creative expressions can inspire and uplift others, and can help to create a more beautiful and harmonious world. By hiding our talents and keeping them to ourselves, we are depriving the world of this beauty and inspiration.

In essence, we are meant to express ourselves and share our gifts with others, and by doing so, we are fulfilling our purpose in life.

As a therapist who loves to write, I know firsthand how scary it can be to share my work with others. But I also know how rewarding it can be when someone connects with my words and tells me how much they resonated with them. It's those moments of connection that make all the fear and uncertainty worth it.

Don't be afraid to be yourself, to show the world what makes you unique. If you have been holding back from sharing your talents with the world, take a leap of faith and put yourself out there. You never know who you might inspire or how your unique gifts might make a difference in the world.

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