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CoCo Mindful

It Happens Small Until It Happens Big

The reinvention occurs in the microactions that you are taking every single day.

It got me thinking....

I couldn't help but wonder: do the most significant changes in our lives happen with grand gestures, or are they born from the tiniest of shifts?

As I sip my coffee, I think back to the clients who’ve walked through my office door, each seeking reinvention, transformation, and a brand new narrative for their lives. They often come in expecting an epiphany, a grand revelation that will rewire their existence. But in my years as a therapist, I’ve learned that life doesn’t usually work that way.

One of my favorite insights is, “It happens small until it happens big.” This seemingly simple statement encapsulates a profound truth about the nature of change. Picture this: you’re standing in front of a massive boulder, trying to push it. Initially, it doesn’t budge. But you keep applying pressure, just a little bit at a time. Eventually, after much effort, it starts to roll. It’s not the first push or even the hundredth that makes the difference; it’s the cumulative effect of all those small efforts.

In the same way, reinvention occurs in the microactions that you are taking every single day. It’s not about waking up one morning with a completely overhauled identity or a totally new life path. It’s about the small, seemingly insignificant choices and actions that build up over time, culminating in a significant shift.

Take, for instance, one of my client. When she first came to see me, she was stuck in a rut, feeling unfulfilled in her career and relationships. She wanted a dramatic change, something that would catapult her into a new life. But instead of suggesting she quit her job and move to Paris, we focused on microactions. She started journaling for ten minutes every morning, listing three things she was grateful for. She began setting small, achievable goals each week. Over time, these tiny changes shifted her perspective and gradually led her to pursue a new career that she loves.

Then there’s another client, who wanted to get fit but found the idea of hitting the gym overwhelming. We broke it down into microactions. First, he committed to walking for ten minutes every day. Then, he started adding small bursts of exercise throughout his day—taking the stairs instead of the elevator, doing push-ups during TV commercials. These microactions, while seemingly insignificant on their own, accumulated to create a healthier lifestyle.

The beauty of microactions lies in their simplicity and manageability. When we think of reinvention, we often picture dramatic gestures: quitting a job, moving to a new city, starting a completely new career. But these dramatic gestures are often the culmination of countless small decisions and actions that prepared us for the big leap.

As a therapist, I see this pattern all the time. Clients come in hoping for a magic solution, but the real work happens in the day-to-day. It’s the tiny, consistent efforts that create lasting change. It’s the patient who commits to five minutes of meditation each morning, the individual who starts a gratitude journal, or the person who makes a conscious effort to connect with a friend once a week.

So, if you’re looking to reinvent yourself, don’t wait for a big moment. Start with the microactions. Make a tiny change today, then another one tomorrow. Over time, these small steps will accumulate, and before you know it, you’ll find yourself transformed.

It happens small until it happens big. And the reinvention occurs in the microactions that you are taking every single day. So, put one foot in front of the other, take that small step, and watch as your life begins to change in ways you never imagined.

And as I sit here, finishing my coffee, I can’t help but wonder: what microaction will you take today?

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