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CoCo Mindful

Sometimes Positivity Is Just denial

Toxic positivity is anything that tries to hide the grief behind a fake smile.

Let's give it a thought...

Good vibes only- Look on the bright side- Just be grateful for what you do have- Don’t be so negative- There’s a silver lining- Just be optimistic...

I can't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, positivity is the latest trend in denial chic. After all, if we can convince ourselves that everything is sunshine and rainbows, who needs reality? Toxic positivity and wishful thinking are everywhere I look. People are plastering on fake smiles and posting inspirational quotes in an attempt to mask their true emotions and avoid confronting the harsh realities of life. It got me thinking, is this really a healthy way to live?

Toxic positivity is the idea that we should always focus on the positive and avoid acknowledging negative emotions or experiences. It's like the Instagram filter we use to cover up our real emotions and put on a facade of happiness. It's a coping mechanism that can do more harm than good, as it invalidates our struggles and prevents us from addressing them in a healthy way. While positivity and optimism can be helpful in some situations, toxic positivity takes it to the extreme, denying the validity of negative emotions and experiences and invalidating those who are struggling.

Wishful thinking, on the other hand, is the act of believing that things will magically work out in our favour without putting in the necessary effort or acknowledging the potential obstacles. It's like expecting to win the lottery without actually buying a ticket.

Toxic positivity and wishful thinking are two sides of the same coin. They both involve denying the negative and hoping for the best, without actually taking the necessary steps to create positive change in our lives.

In our relationships, these trends can lead to a lack of communication and accountability, preventing us from building healthy and fulfilling partnerships. If we're constantly focusing on the positive and avoiding the negative, we may not take the necessary steps to address our problems or challenges. Similarly, if we're constantly relying on wishful thinking to solve our problems, we may not take the necessary actions to make our dreams a reality.

In our relationships, toxic positivity and wishful thinking can also be harmful. If we're constantly forcing a positive attitude and denying negative emotions in our relationships, we may not effectively communicate our needs and boundaries or address issues that are causing us distress. Similarly, if we're relying on wishful thinking to solve our relationship problems, we may not take the necessary steps to work through issues and create a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

So, what's the alternative to toxic positivity and wishful thinking? It's simple: acceptance and action. Acceptance involves acknowledging and validating our emotions and experiences, both positive and negative. It's about recognizing that it's okay to feel sad, angry, or frustrated, and taking the necessary steps to address those emotions in a healthy and productive way.

Action involves taking responsibility for our own lives and actively working to create the reality we desire. It's about recognizing that while we can't control everything in our lives, we do have the power to take action towards our goals and dreams.

In the end, the key to living a fulfilling and authentic life is finding a balance between acceptance and action. By acknowledging and validating our emotions and experiences while also taking responsibility for our own lives, we can create a healthy and realistic approach to life and relationships. So, let's ditch the toxic positivity and wishful thinking and embrace a more authentic and empowered way of living.

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