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CoCo Mindful

The Soul Does Not Grow By Addition But By Subtraction

The Soul's Subtraction Equation:

Less is More.

It got me thinking...

In a world obsessed with acquiring, accumulating, and piling up possessions, experiences, and even relationships, we often forget that true growth lies in letting go. Just like a cluttered closet, our souls can become weighed down by the unnecessary baggage we carry. We gather material possessions, thinking they define us and bring us joy. We fill our calendars with endless commitments, convinced that busyness equates to fulfillment. We hold onto toxic relationships, fearing the void they might leave behind. But in reality, these additions only serve to clutter our lives, stifling the growth of our souls.

Letting go is like unburdening oneself from the weight of the past. It's about releasing the grip on what no longer serves us, on the memories that haunt us, and on the expectations that hold us back. Letting go is a transformative act of self-liberation, a declaration that we are ready to move forward and embrace the unknown.

In the realm of relationships, letting go is like gracefully untangling ourselves from the web of emotions that bind us to another person. It's acknowledging that sometimes the most loving thing we can do is to set each other free. Letting go doesn't mean erasing the memories or dismissing the significance of what once was, but rather accepting that the chapter has come to an end and trusting in the possibility of new beginnings.

Letting go is also about relinquishing control and surrendering to the flow of life. It's understanding that we cannot force outcomes or cling to what is meant to slip through our fingers. It's about having faith that when we release our grip on the steering wheel, the universe will guide us to where we are meant to be.

But let's not confuse letting go with giving up. Letting go is not a sign of weakness; it's an act of strength. It takes courage to release the familiar and step into the unknown. It's acknowledging that holding on tightly only leads to stagnation, while letting go opens up a world of possibilities.

Let's ask ourselves: what are we holding onto? What are we afraid to release? And what might be waiting for us on the other side of letting go? Letting go is not a one-time event; it's a continuous process of shedding layers, releasing attachments, and making space for growth.

So, what if we took a different approach? What if we embraced the concept of subtraction? What if we started decluttering our lives, both physically and emotionally, to make space for the things that truly matter?

Let's start with our possessions. Marie Kondo, the queen of tidying up, teaches us that we should only keep items that spark joy. So, why not take a leaf out of her book and apply this philosophy to our souls? Let go of the material possessions that no longer serve us, and discover the freedom that comes from detaching our happiness from stuff. It's amazing how a clutter-free living space can create a clearer state of mind.

What about our schedules. Our lives have become a never-ending race against time, filled with obligations that drain our energy and rob us of our vitality. It's time to pause and evaluate. What truly brings us joy and fulfillment? What activities align with our passions and values? By subtracting the unnecessary commitments and focusing on what truly matters, we create space for personal growth and self-care.

What about relationships. We all know that person who drains our energy, constantly brings us down, or stunts our personal growth. It's time to bid them farewell. Subtracting toxic relationships from our lives is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our self-worth. Surrounding ourselves with people who uplift us, inspire us, and encourage our growth is essential for the nourishment of our souls.

In the grand equation of life, it's not about how much we accumulate, but rather how much we subtract that leads to true soulful growth. So, let's challenge the status quo and embark on a journey of subtraction. Let's declutter our lives, liberate our souls, and make space for the things that truly matter.

Less is more... Less baggage, less busyness, less toxicity. By subtracting, we uncover our true essence, our authentic selves, and create room for the magic of growth and transformation.

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