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CoCo Mindful

This Too Shall Pass..It Might Pass Like A Kidney Stone But It Will Pass.

Letting things slide to keep peace only starts a war inside of you.

It got me thinking...

Why is it so hard for us to let go of things? We hold onto grudges, resentments, and hurt feelings like they're precious jewels, but what good does that do us? It's like we're trying to punish ourselves for something someone else did or said. We think that by holding onto these negative emotions, we're somehow getting back at the person who hurt us. But really, all we're doing is starting a war inside ourselves.

The old saying, "this too shall pass". ...When we first hear this phrase, it might sound like a comforting reminder that whatever we're going through won't last forever. But let's be real - sometimes things can feel like they're never going to end. Sometimes, it feels like we're stuck in a never-ending cycle of pain, stress, and frustration.

And you know what? Sometimes it feels like we're passing a kidney stone. Ouch. But the thing is, even though it might feel like we're stuck in the midst of a never-ending struggle, the truth is that everything in life is temporary. The good, the bad, and the kidney stones - they all eventually come to an end. And in the meantime, it's important to remember that letting things slide to keep the peace isn't always the best option. Sure, there might be times when it's better to just let something go in order to avoid conflict. But when we constantly let things slide, when we constantly suppress our feelings and thoughts in order to keep others happy, it can start to feel like we're at war with ourselves. So, the next time you're tempted to let something slide in order to keep the peace, ask yourself this: Is it worth starting a war inside of you? Is it worth sacrificing your own happiness and well-being in order to avoid conflict? Because at the end of the day, this too shall pass.

The kidney stone will eventually pass, the struggle will eventually come to an end, and you'll be left with the aftermath. So let's all try to be a little more honest with ourselves and with others, to speak our truth even if it's uncomfortable, and to remember that no matter what we're going through, it will eventually pass. Even if it does feel like a kidney stone.

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