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CoCo Mindful

To Heal A Wound, You Have To Stop Scratching It.

Through all of our life experiences, we have the choice to become wise or wounded. It got me thinking...

We all have wounds. Some are physical, some are emotional, but they all have one thing in common: they need time and care to heal. But here's the thing: healing isn't always easy. In fact, sometimes we make it even harder on ourselves by scratching at our wounds instead of letting them heal. We ruminate on past hurts, dwell on the pain, and refuse to let go. And in doing so, we only make the wound deeper.

So how do we break the cycle? How do we heal our wounds without scratching at them? Well, it all starts with a little bit of wisdom.

I believe that our experiences, whether positive or negative, can either lead us to become more resilient and wise, or they can leave us feeling wounded and stuck.

Life can be full of both positive and negative experiences, including joyful moments, successes, failures, disappointments, and traumas. When we experience these events, we have the choice to either learn from them, grow and become wiser, or to let them wound us and prevent us from moving forward.

Choosing to become wise means that we reflect on our experiences and try to learn from them. It means looking for the lesson and using it to inform our future decisions and actions. This can lead to personal growth, resilience, and an increased ability to handle future challenges.

On the other hand, choosing to become wounded means that we allow our experiences to define us, and we become stuck in negative emotions such as fear, anger, or self-pity. This can lead to a negative cycle of self-doubt, low self-esteem, and feeling powerless.

It is important to recognize that becoming wise is not always easy. It requires effort, courage, and vulnerability to confront our experiences and to choose to learn from them. However, the rewards of becoming wise are significant and can include increased resilience, improved relationships, and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

So the next time you find yourself scratching at a wound, remember that you have to give yourself the time and space to heal, to gain wisdom from your experiences, and to let go of the pain. It's not always easy, but it's worth it. Because when you heal your wounds, you become stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

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