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CoCo Mindful

You Haven’t Switched Your Mood, You Switched Your Mode

I don't have a bad temper, I just have a quick reaction to bullsh*t.

It got me thinking...

As I was walking down the street the other day, I couldn't help but notice how everyone seemed to be in a bad mood. From the scowling faces to the frustrated gestures, it was clear that the collective mood was not a positive one. And then I realized - maybe it's not about the mood at all. Maybe it's about the mode.

We're often told that it's important to be in a good mood, that a positive attitude can change everything. But what if we're looking at it the wrong way? What if instead of trying to change our mood, we should be changing our mode?

As a therapist, I can attest to the fact that mood and mode are deeply interconnected.

Think about it - our mood is a reflection of our emotions, our current state of mind. It can be affected by external factors like the weather or the news... or by internal factors like our thoughts and feelings.

However, our mode is the behavioural manifestation of our mood - it is how we choose to act and interact with the world around us. Our mode is how we approach life, how we show up in the world. It's our attitude, our perspective, our energy. And the thing is, we have control over our mode. We can choose to show up with a positive, proactive, and productive mode, even when our mood is less than stellar. We can switch our mode from victim to victor, from complainer to creator, from consumer to contributor.

What's interesting about mode is that it can actually influence our mood. For example, research has shown that engaging in positive behaviors, such as exercising, socializing, or volunteering, can have a positive impact on our mood. Conversely, engaging in negative behaviors, such as isolating ourselves, procrastinating, or engaging in substance abuse, can worsen our mood.

Therefore, if we want to improve our mood, we need to focus on changing our mode. This means taking intentional steps to engage in positive behaviours and attitudes, even when our mood is low. It means being proactive rather than reactive, and choosing to approach life with a growth mindset, rather than a fixed one.

One way to switch our mode is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness allows us to be more aware of our thoughts and emotions, and to observe them without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more attuned to our mode, and more intentional about how we choose to show up in the world.

Another way to switch our mode is to engage in cognitive restructuring. This involves identifying and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs, and replacing them with more positive and realistic ones. By changing our thoughts, we can change our mode, and ultimately improve our mood.

So, the next time you find yourself in a bad mood, remember that you have the power to switch your mode. By intentionally choosing to engage in positive behaviours and attitudes, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in cognitive restructuring, you can improve your mood and transform your life.

Don't try to force yourself to be happy. Instead, try switching your mode. Ask yourself - what mode am I in right now? Is it serving me? If not, how can I switch it up?

Maybe you need to shift from a mode of complaining to a mode of gratitude. Or from a mode of stagnation to a mode of growth. Or from a mode of isolation to a mode of connection. Whatever it is, remember that you have the power to switch your mode at any time, in any situation.

And who knows? Maybe by switching your mode, you'll end up changing your mood too. As they say, fake it 'til you make it. But in this case, it's not about faking anything. It's about choosing to show up in the world with intention, purpose, and positivity. So, switch your mode, and watch as the world around you starts to shift too.

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