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CoCo Mindful

You Look Like Something I Drew With My Left Hand

When nothing is going right, go left.

It got me thinking...

Today we're talking about one of the most dreaded moments in any relationship - the moment when you look at your partner and think, "You look like something I drew with my left hand." It's a tough pill to swallow, but let's face it - we've all been there. Maybe you've been with your partner for a while and things just aren't clicking like they used to. Maybe you're starting to notice little quirks or habits that you never noticed before. Or maybe you're just not feeling as attracted to them as you once were. That moment when you make up with your partner after a fight or a rough patch, and suddenly everything just feels off. You look at them, and instead of feeling the warmth and love you once did, all you see are the things that don't work anymore.

It's a confusing and unsettling feeling, to say the least. You want to go back to the way things were before, but you can't ignore the cracks that have formed in the foundation of your relationship. So what do you do?

Whatever the reason, it's important to remember that these feelings are normal and valid. Relationships go through ups and downs, and sometimes it takes a little work to get things back on track. We all have our own preferences and attractions, and sometimes they shift over time. But that doesn't mean that the relationship is doomed to fail.

The key is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. If you're feeling less attracted to them than you used to, it's important to talk about it in a respectful and compassionate way. Maybe there are things that you can do together to reignite that spark, or maybe you'll both realize that it's time to move on.

When you find yourself in this situation, it's important to take a step back and really evaluate the situation. Are the issues that have come up things that can be worked through with time and effort, or are they fundamental differences that can't be overcome? If it's the latter, then it might be time to accept that the relationship has run its course.

At the same time, it's important to recognize that attraction and compatibility are complex and multifaceted. Just because you're not feeling as attracted to your partner in one moment doesn't mean that you won't feel differently in the future. It's all about being open to the possibilities and embracing the journey of love and growth.

What about the firm conviction that you reach the point of no return and going left seems to be the only option? Sometimes it's clear that things aren't working anymore. You had tried to make it work, but you had reached the point of no return. It can be scary, but at the same time, there can be a sense of freedom in the idea of going left, of taking a different path. It can be a chance to start over, to try something new, to find a different kind of happiness.

But going left also mean letting go of what is familiar and comfortable, and facing the unknown. It can be a risk, but one that you know you have to take.

As you stand up from your seat, ready to take that first step in a new direction, you may feel a mix of emotions. It can be the sadness of what is ending, but also the excitement for what is coming. It can be a chance to break free from the past and create a new future. And who knows, maybe going left will lead you to where we were meant to be all along...

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