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Blurred people

Trauma is the loss of Connexion to Self.
Healing is the Reconnexion to Self.


a compound noun made from the words alt (old) and Schmerz (pain). 

(n.) weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had—the same boring flaws and anxieties you’ve been gnawing on for years, which leaves them soggy and tasteless and inert, with nothing interesting left to think about.

Day after day, the weight of that inexplicable ache bears down on you. You try to distract yourself but the feeling lingers in the background, an ever-present reminder of something you can't quite comprehend, control or understand. You may find yourself turning to alcohol, sex, food, shopping, toxic relation-shit, or other vices to escape the discomfort. As you become increasingly consumed by the enigma of your own emotions, your mind begins to spin wild tales, weaving together threads of fear and panic. The more you fixate on that nebulous sense of unease, the more it magnifies, it persists. You want to break free from that cycle. You want to do whatever it takes to break free...If not now then when? You want do the WORK. Work is calling you? YOU are calling you...

It's T-I-M-E

Time to confront what's troubling you, all the discomfort you feel is merely your deepest self trying to communicate with you, reminding you of its presence and urging you to keep moving forward.

If it makes sense, it demands a conversation.

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